This ability to track and transfer funds has also made it remarkably easy to save money. Chances are your bank has a feature in its online banking system to set up scheduled automatic transfers between checking and savings accounts. (If not, we know a great bank that does.) You can easily set-up these automatic transfers to move nearly any amount of money from your checking to your savings-and you won’t ever have to lift a finger after the transfer is set-up.
After time you may find you don’t ever really think about it either. Try it for a month to see how easy it is. Set-up a $5, $10, or $25 (or whatever amount you can afford) automatic transfer from your checking to savings account. Set it to be a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly transfer. After the month passes, examine your finances. Did you miss the money? Maybe you need to set a lower amount. Perhaps a more aggressive amount is appropriate. Soon you’ll be building up your rainy day or vacation fund without a second thought.
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